I kinda like ALCOHOL! 

So...I'm not about to brag about volumes of, or deeds via the influence of, just a couple of statements, some links, and an indication of my preferences.

Firstly.........If I had never touched alcohol, I'd probably be a 34 year old virgin, dedicated to money (instead of women), working a high-pressure job, about to have a heart-attack, not enough time to play with my "toys", and 2 week holidays each year to the same resort in Bali. Imagine if all those turning points in your life had been with or without the help of alc.

Secondly........it's very ancient. About the only things I can be certain my deep ancestors consumed in common with me are root vegies, bread, water and alc. I am time-worn genetically designed for these products. Sugar, coffee, tea, orange juice, all too recent in my blood-lines. Ancient Celtic!!!

Finally.........I'm very lucky that I don't get violent when drunk, and drinking heavily is not recommended for anyone who has a short-fuse. They should smoke dope instead.

My Favorite Drops

Real Beer

Sites of Interest


And how to beat them. Hangovers are the result of alcohol, and what it depletes from the body. The cure is replacing those depleted things, which are legion: So the perfect cure would be a mix of 5 things; water, salt, sugar, egg and alc. Off you go to the pub now, and report back to me tomorrow morning.

Sometimes Drugs

No drug should be taken as often as alc. I recommend the following doses


Interesting Links

Terrence McKenna......the Magic Mushroom Man