
Comparison Table for Thai dictionaries

| CYBERDICT VII | |  |  |  | 
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User's Guides
| Thai<->English<-Chinese Handheld Talking Dictionary CyberDict VII
Voice : English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean
Category: | |
Talking dictionary |
Language pair: | |
Thai<->English; English<->Thai, Chinese->English |
Vocabulary: |
over 800,000 words |
Size: |
6 x 4 x 0.6 in |
Weight: |
186 g |
Battery Type: |
NiMH/ AAA batteries |
PC connection |
Yes |
This newest Thai<->English<->Thai, Oxford Chinese->English dictionary employs VoxWare voice synthesis. It has a build-in Longman Dictionary of American English, supports up to 20 cross-search windows and includes English/Thai/Chinese handwriting recognition. CyberDict VII is a reliable aid in foreign language learning and a superb multilingual reference tool, suitable for a variety of educational and professional purposes. Please note that the Oxford dictionary is Chinese -> English only, but it provides English Chinese definitions.
Extensive learning
This device holds 12 distinct dictionaries; you can enjoy its CyberCard Function, create your own Users Dictionary and discover the advantages of wildcard searching! This model is the top choice in this series, and a definite winner for this language combination. CyberDict VII will help you work on you English pronunciation: first, you can listen to it speak, then, repeat after it, the dictionary will make a recording of your voice and play it back for you. This dictionary is not only an aid in language learning, but also a travel guide! It holds information on 179 countries, travel dialogues for 40 situations in 10 languages (pronunciation in English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean) and it can perform Conversions for almost 140 Currencies. This spectacular dictionary will satisfy the most demanding language professional!
- Built-in Dr. Wits Thai-Thai, Idioms and Phrases, Computer, Internet & IT, Engineering, Management and Legal Dictionaries.
- Advanced voice synthesis: English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean- talking phrasebooks
- Travel Dialogues on 10 topics, in 10 languages
- Expanded grammar reference
- TOEFL exercises and an English Proficiency Test
- Useful phrases, idioms, colloquial expressions
- CyberCard Function expands functions and databases of the device
- Abbreviations Dictionary
Multifunctional extras
- Paintbrush drawing
- Note Taker, will store up to 7 records in manuscript
- Name Card Manager, Memorandum and To Do List functions are available in English and Thai
- Detailed Information on Thailand Police Stations, Hospitals and Thai Embassies Overseas
- Telephone Information bank will give you Thai area codes and guidelines to international phone calls.
- Advanced scheduling functions
- Scientific calculator, Alarm, Lunar and Solar Calendar, Address Book, Loan, Expense and Investment Management
- 14 Fun Games
- Chinese Fortune Teller

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| | | CYBERDICT V | |  |  |  | 
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User's Guides
| Thai<->English Handheld Talking Dictionary CyberDict V
Voice : English, Chinese, Japanese
Category: | |
Talking dictionary |
Language pair: | |
Thai<->English; English<->Thai |
Vocabulary: |
over 800,000 words |
Size: |
6 x 4 x 0.6 in |
Weight: |
186 g |
Battery Type: |
NiMH/ AAA batteries |
PC connection |
Yes |
This is one of the best talking Thai<->English<->Thai dictionary with advanced multilingual voice synthesis. It utilizes the latest electronic technologies and is equipped with BoxWare Human Voice speech synthesis unit, making your foreign language learning and a superb multilingual reference tool suitable for variety of educational and professional purposes.
Expandable learning
With over 800,000 headwords and 29 dictionaries, this model is the top choice in this series, and a definite winner for this language combination. The natural language learning provided and supported by BoxWare system will ensure the high success rate in word memorization and sound reproduction, while the all-encompassing language reference tools will satisfy the most discriminating language professional
- Advanced trilingual voice synthesis: Chinese, Japanese- talking phrasebooks
- Specialized and professional bidirectional Thai<->English dictionaries
- Longman dictionary of English language
- Thai Thesaurus
- TOEFL practice, expanded grammar reference
- Listening and learning exercises
Multifunctional extras
- advanced search and scheduling functions
- large data storage capacity
- scientific calculator, alarm, calendar, address book, expense management
- free upgrades and downloads available

| | Detailed information Buy now
| | | CYBERDICT IV Plus | |  |  |  | 
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User's Guides
| Thai<->English->Chinese Handheld Talking Dictionary CyberDict IV Plus
Voice : English, Chinese, Japanese
Category: | |
Talking dictionary |
Language pair: | |
Thai<->English; English<->Thai, English->Chinese |
Vocabulary: |
500,000 words |
Size: |
6 x 4 x 0.6 in |
Weight: |
186 g |
Battery Type: |
AAA batteries |
PC connection |
Yes |
This is a superb talking Thai<->English<->Thai dictionary with advanced multilingual voice synthesis. It utilizes the latest electronic technologies and is equipped with Bestalker Human Voice speech synthesis system, allowing the Naturalistic Voice Recording Learning Method. The dictionary features built-in Longman Dictionary of American English and Oxford English->Chinese Dictionary.
Expandable learning
With over 500,000 headwords in 25 dictionaries, this model is one of the best possible solutions for your language learning practice. The natural language learning provided and supported by Bestalker Human Voice will ensure the high success rate in word memorization, while the all-encompassing language reference tools will satisfy all your language learning needs.
- Advanced trilingual voice syntesis: in Thai, English and Chinese
- Thai<->English and English<->Thai bidirectional dictionaries
- Thai->English voice phrasebook including general conversation topics: Air Travel, Hotel and Restaurant, Sightseeing, Entertainment, Communication, etc.
- TOEFL practice, expanded grammar reference
- AICC Technology (Advanced Integrated Cross Check)
Multifunctional extras
- master scheduling functions and calendars
- 256 MB memory unit and PC connection capacity
- scientific calculator, games, alarm, address book, expense management
- wealth of useful information on Thailand

| | Detailed information Buy now
| | | CYBERDICT IV | |  |  |  | 
Buy now
User's Guides
| Thai<->English Handheld Talking Dictionary CyberDict IV
Voice : English
Category: | |
Talking dictionary |
Language pair: | |
Thai<->English; English<->Thai |
Vocabulary: |
500,000 words |
Size: |
6 x 4 x 0.6 in |
Weight: |
186 g |
Battery Type: |
NiMH/ AAA batteries |
PC connection |
Yes |
This is a superb talking Thai<->English<->Thai dictionary with advanced voice synthesis. It utilizes the latest electronic technologies and is equipped with BoxWare Human Voice speech synthesis unit, making your foreign language learning and a superb multilingual reference tool suitable for variety of educational and professional purposes.
Expandable learning
With over 500,000 headwords and 29 dictionaries, this model is one of the best possible solutions for your language learning practice. The natural language learning provided and supported by BoxWare system will ensure the high success rate in word memorization and sound reproduction, while the all-encompassing language reference tools will satisfy the most discriminating language professional
- Advanced voice syntesis powered by Bestalker Human Voice engine
- Thai<->English bidirectional dictionaries, including Longman and thesaurus
- Voice phrasebook including common topics: General Conversation,Air Travel, Hotel and Restaurant, Sightseeing, Entertainment, Communication
- TOEFL practice, expanded grammar reference
- Listening and learning exercises
Multifunctional extras
- master scheduling functions and calendars
- large data storage and PC connection capacity
- scientific calculator, games, alarm, address book, expense management
- wealth of useful information on Thailand

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