Other Registrars and info .cc
- Cocos (Keeling) Islands .cn
- China, just become available in 2003 .bz - sold by Verisign
- not to be confused with .biz .cd-
Great for music & software sites, .cd is the TLD of the Democratic Republic
of Congo .nz
- New Zealand, $15 per year last time I looked .ws
- get in while the good names are still available, available from Verisign
.st - As in Street! Great for sesame.st,
wall.st, back.st, groovie.st. TLD for São Tomé - one of the least
well-known countries in the world. São Tomé and Principe are located
at the equator in Central Africa, in the Gulf of Guinea. .dropbear.id.au
- free domain names - only for Australian citizens.
There is also emu.id.au & wattle.id.au
.com.ru or .com.kg - free
domain names - for anyone. Just place a link on your homepage, and have
at least 10 visitors per day .eu - for Europe, now available -
use GoDaddy
.ng Nigeria http://www.nigeriancomputersociety.com/ng.reg/ .ne
http://www.intnet.ne/ (in French sorry) .ly
Libya http://www.nic.ly/ |