Search Engine
Optimisation (optimisation is the English spelling. Americans use
optimization. I live in Australia, but the real reason I spell it with an "s"
is because it's an easier word to rank highly with) Free
Popularity Checker This totally free piece of software
is brought to you by Axandra & SearchEngineZ. It checks how many links are
pointing to your site from each of the major search engines (Yahoo, Google etc...),
and compares it with other sites of your choice. Download here
(3.1 MB) - it does not contain any spyware! 
Spy Watch what others are searching for, in real-time. It can give
you an appreciation of the sheer variety of searches made Popular
Keywords Lots of tools to help you work out which keywords you should
be using Free
e-Book: SEO Fast Start
Written by Dan Thies, this 100-page e-book is a very well-written primer on search
engine optimization techniques. I've read it, I like it.
My Site Critique Service
I used to offer a web site critique service, but I'm too busy these days. Critiques
can be pure search engine optimisation, or lots of general advice.