Big Sites - Live
Translation - live professional translations from only $1.99. Online translation
service delivering high quality professional translations in minutes. Ideal for
emails, website content, business correspondence and personal users.
- Skrivanek
- All Central European languages - branches in 29 locations: 18 in the Czech Republic
and the remaining 11 in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
ProZ - marketplace and forum, where translators
and their prospective customers can make contact.
- Translation
Services USA - high quality, fast turnaround and competitively priced translator
- ForeignWord
- directory of over 7000 professionals
- Applied Language - claim to have 14,000 specialist translators
Searchable Translator Database - hundreds of professional translators who
are members of the Northern California Translators Association
Translations - more than a 1000 tested and certified translators and degree-holding
linguists at your service
- Studio
1 Solutions - from €0.69 per line, most languages
- Lingo24
- specialise in translation between English, French, German, Spanish and Italian
but undertake projects in all major world languages.
- Nettranslation
UK - translation, interpreting, editing, proofreading services in English,
German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Greek, Japanese, Dutch, Arabic
and Chinese
- 101
Translations - has low prices and works for some big corporations. English
and French <-> about 20 other languages
- Langua
- to/from all languages

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