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Home > Reference
> Online Converters
Converters &
Unit Converters MegaConverter
lets you convert a myraid of things. I'm not going to place their device here,
for it deserves its own spot in your bookmarks.
World Wide Time
The World Time Server - not
only is it the best, it has free Atomic
Clock software to download, to keep your PC time accurate
- Quick - The time in 30
major cities displayed in real-time, analog format
- Relative
- Grabs your computer's time, and shows you the time everywhere else
- Visual
- Select a timezone on the world map and see the current date & time. Uses
Flash. Quicker way here
- Personal
- This page simply tells you the time for place you customized, plus 4 USA timezones.
With an easy to remember URL - WhatTimeIsIt.com
Time and Date - very clean and useful...
the Official U.S Time, thanks to the American
Gov't... World Time Zones - ugly
but useful...
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