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Home > Reference
> Encyclopedias
Search Encyclopedias
is definitely the best free online encyclopedia, and possibly the best for any
price. Search it using Wikipedia's search engine below, otherwise try Clusty's
version (clustered results) or Google's
search of Wikipedia. There's also WikiSeek,
which searches all the external links in Wikipedia as well. WikiWax
has a smart search box worth trying. Citizendium
is from a founder of Wikipedia, aiming to have more solid, reliable info
MSN Encarta
The new kid on the block (and very good), with
a reasonable amount of free articles for non-subscribers.
Britannica Britannica.com
is the oldest and largest general reference in the English language. The free
version is very lightweight, with banner and pop-up ads. There is also
a scanned 1911 edition online.
is a database containing many reference classics, like the Columbia Encyclopedia,
American Heritage Dictionary, King James Bible, Oxford Shakespeare, Gray's Anatomy
Resources - The
Canadian Encyclopedia - This searchable edition features more than 10,000
articles written by a broad base of Canadians who are experts in their individual
- Probert Encyclopaedia
- an independent reference encyclopaedia, consisting of over 235,000 concise &
fully interlinked articles.
- Questia
- 70,000 online books and journals. Sample chapters for free, to give you an idea
of why this is such a powerful resource - AllRefer
- uses Columbia Encyclopedia & other reference resources. InfoPlease
is similar
- FactBites - searches
return meaningful, relevant sentences - often from encyclopedias. A very quick
way to find summarised factual information
- Information.com
- makes it easy to search Wikipedia, Questia, Bartleby & others from the same
page. FaganFinder is similar