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Home > People
Search > Reverse Phone
Reverse Phone Search
Reverse Phone Search - USA

form is great for finding out where that cute guy/girl who gave you their number
lives! U.S. Reverse Phone Search
- You can also try WhitePages.com
or Switchboard
has a reverse search for business
- You can also use Google
- just enter a phone number in this format (209) 772-3614 - and see who owns it,
and a map of where they live.
General location
info from Melissa Data - Enter a full 10 digit phone number
and the location will be displayed.
- Enter a 7 digit phone number for a
list of possible area codes, cities and states.
- Enter a 6 digit area
code and prefix and the location will be displayed.
- Enter a 3 digit area
code for a list of cities served by the area code.
- Enter a city name
for a list of possible area codes + prefix combinations.
- unlisted phone numbers, cell phones, disconnected numbers, pagers and long-distance
- $19.95 for 1 year. All numbers are from
public records.
- from $25
- from $14.95, results might be out of date
US Interlink - provides licensed
investigators with reverse phone and address searches, plus all unlisted phone
numbers - fee $5-15.
PhoneBust - Residential land line,
Cellular # or Pager #
Unlisted Phone Numbers
Etcetera - very professional American service, with a large range of people-finding
555-1212 - powerful, up-to-date
directory service, from 10 cents per search
MasterFiles: Reach411
- 20 cents per search, $60 initial deposit
eFindOutTheTruth - reverse
searches from $9.95, unlisted from $69.95
CaseBreakers - reverse searches
$6, unlisted $49
International White Pages Search
directories for 11 Countries. Powered by SmartPages
& InfoSpace. - Note:
To search an entire State, leave the City blank
- Directories for
specific countries are at the bottom of the
Phone Search - International
MOBILE PHONES - MobilephoneNo.com
- there is a small chance they have registered with this site
- SMS.ac
- millions of members, enter an email address, get their mobile number. Requires
registration (be careful, it will try
to send invites to everyone in your email address book)
Handy Tip - You can use Google to do a reverse
phone search for any country, provided the number appears on a web page. Search
for the number without the area code, with the hyphen in its normal place. A Melbourne,
Australia number would look like 3456-7890. Check all the results - there shouldn't
be too many.
International Online White Pages AFRICA
- Andorra
- Armenia
- Austria
- Elektronisches Telefonbuch (German), Infospace
- Belgium - Infobel,
(French), Infospace
- Bosnia
- to search for people (Fizic(ka lica), select a Kanton, put the surname in "Prezime"
and press "Trazi"
- Bulgaria
- in Bulgarian
- Croatia - Hrvatski
Telekom, VIP (mobile network,
in Croatian)
- Czech Republic
- Use the first form, "Prijmeni"= surname, "Mesto"= city,
press "Odeslat".
- If you can't enter Czech accents in the name,
untick the "Diakritika" box.
- Denmark
- Faeroe Islands - in Faroese
- France
- Infobel, Pages
Jaunes, Annu
- Germany
- Das
Telefonbuch, Infospace
info at Google Answers)
- Greece
- click on 'English'
- Hungary
+ Mobile networks: T-Mobile,
Tudakozo/Vodafone (both in Hungarian)
- Iceland
- enter a surname in Eftirnafn, then press Leita
- Ireland - 11850,
- Isle of Man
- see United Kingdom below
- Italy - Infobel,
Pagine Bianche (Italian)
- Luxembourg
- Infobel, Infospace,
Annuaire Telephonique
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Romania
- Slovakia
- in Slovak
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Infobel, Paginas
Blancas (Spanish)
- Sweden - not
in English. Another is here
- Switzerland
- Swisscom, tel.search.ch,
- United Kingdom - UK
Phonebook, BT,
- UK
Channel Islands
[ Other directories,
including Yellow Pages, are here
or here or here
or here]
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