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Home > People
Search > Occupation
Occupation Search
Professional Licenses It's
quite hard to hide your whereabouts if you earn a living from one of these professions:
- Accountant
- Architect
- Auctioneer
Building Contractor
- Barber
- Building Inspector
- Cosmetologist
- Dentist
Electrical Contractor
| - Funeral Director
- Geologist
Liquor Salesperson
- Medical
- Plumber
- Real Estate
- Talent Agent
- Veterinarian
| Regulatory
Boards and Colleges in North America...
Doctors, Dentists and other medical Health professionals
have strict licensing. It's virtually impossible to legally operate in the USA
and remain untraceable. - Health
Pages - Search by name or specialty. Includes health care plans & patient
Doctor Finder - published by the American Medical Association. Information
on virtually every licensed physician in the United States including more than
690,000 doctors. Search by Physician Name or Medical Specialty and
find out where your doctor did his/her training, and much, much more...
DocFinder - combined database that directly sources data from state government
licensing boards. DocFinder contains the licensing background and disciplinary
information of physicians and other health care practitioners. NOTE: Click
on the state name, not the link to the state's Medical Board
- MDJunction-
nationwide Doctors Search Engine that helps finding the right doctor by providing
patient reviews, ratings, and doctors profile and professional information such
as specialties & expertise, medical education, contact information, and more
- Health
- sometimes contains address info that the others do not list - Medical
Board of California - Physician Lookup, includes disciplinary actions
- Ophthalmologists
/ Eye Doctors
- American
Dental Association - over 141,000 members
- Nursing
- Doc Info - get disciplinary
information on doctors for $9.95, from the Federation of State Medical Boards
- ChoiceTrust does this as well
- Federation
of State Medical Boards - website & contact details for each state
- Quack
Watch - 1400 pages dedicated to ending health fraud and quackery
Businesses The contact details of a business could help
track down who owns it / who works there. Company
Profiles - CorporateInformation
- Search over 350,000 company profiles
Executives - Forbes
- Details on over 120,000 execs of public companies, plus the rich and famous.
Free registration
- Hoover - does
the same, and also covers France, Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK.
Owners - LLRX
links to Business Corporation Filings for each state - search by business name,
get contact details. Also try NASS
Other Occupations Military
- click here Lawyers
- Lawyer Locate
- search over one million lawyers and law firms in 160 countries by a variety
of criteria, including name, geographic location, practice area, firm size, and
languages. Also try FindLaw Nonprofit
Organizations - Guidestar
or Portico
are good starting points Pilots - Pliot
Licenses (USA & International) - Free info including addresses. |