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US Govt info Limited information from Official Military Personnel
Files is releasable to the general public without the consent of the veteran or
the next-of-kin. You are considered a member of the general public if you are
asking about a veteran who is no relation to you, or a veteran who is a relative
but you are not the next-of-kin. Next-of-kin is defined as the unremarried widow
or widower, son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister of the deceased
veteran. The veteran (or next-of-kin if the veteran is deceased) must
authorize release of information which is not available to the public under the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): FOIA info available: Name, service
number, rank, dates of service, awards and decorations, place of entrance and
separation. If the veteran is deceased they can also tell you: place of birth,
date and geographical location of death, place of burial National
Personnel Records Center ---> Use
the Official form
Veteran's Affairs says: As a Federal agency,
according to the Privacy Act, we are obliged to protect the privacy of veterans'
personal information. Therefore, VA cannot release personal information about
a veteran in our records system without that person's permission. We can, however,
forward a message from you to the veteran, providing the veteran has filed a claim
with VA and we have an address on record. Please write your message and
place it in an unsealed, stamped envelope. Also include a note to VA explaining
who it is you are trying to reach and add as much identifying information as you
have. Place all of this in another envelope addressed to the nearest U.S. Department
of Veterans Affairs Regional Office (you can find the address at Facilities
Director or in the "blue" pages of your telephone book).
Very Useful Book 
to Locate Anyone Who Is or Has Been in the Military: Armed Forces Locator Guide
(8th Ed) Included are directories of U.S. Military Installations;
Overseas Military Installations; Military, Patriotic and Veteran Organizations;
Military Union Reunion Asociations; Armed Force World-Wide Locators; and Fleet
Post Offices Shows you: - How to use the Internet to find current
or former military personnel
- How to locate birthparents who served in
the military
- How to locate veterans of any age
- How to verify military
- How to locate Active Duty, Reserve or Retired military
- How
to locate Reserve and National Guard
- How to obtain military recordsH
- How
to locate veterans for a reunion
- How to locate women veterans
- How
to determine if a veteran is deceased.
"It is my opinion
that virtually every veteran of our military services, in peace or war, does at
some time want to contact a buddy with whom he or she served. Until now, that
has been unusually difficult. But now, thanks to Colonel Johnson, it can be expeditiously
accomplished." William C. Westmoreland General, United
States Army, Retired Charleston, South Carolina
3rd Party Registers It's a shame there are so many - I
recommend signing up to all that apply. (some have been discontinued since the
war on terror began)

Airforce The official address for locating air force personnel
on active duty, is: Air Force Worldwide Locator 550C Street West Suite
50 Randolph AFB TX 78150-4752
Army The official address for locating army personnel
on active duty, is the Army World Wide Locator: Commander U.S. Army
Enlisted Records & Evaluation Center ATTN: Locator Fort Benjamin Harrison,
IN 46249-5301 - West Point Connection
- running more than 300 listservices in support of most USMA classes, 29 West
Point Societies, and 37 West Point Parent Club
Navy Official use, family members, active duty personnel
and Navy retirees may use this locator system. To do so, you must have the service
member's full name, Social Security number, grade or rank, and, if possible, last
known duty station. Write to: World Wide Locator Bureau of Naval Personnel
Pers-312 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055-3120 To
locate Navy retirees, use the address above. Correspondence will be forwarded,
if possible, to the retiree as addresses are not releasable by law under the Privacy
Act. | |