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Search > Inmates
USA Inmate Search
Inmates / Prisoners There's a
chance whoever you are tracking down is wanted by the law, or is already locked
up. Obtain
Criminal Records from any U.S. County.
Criminal Background Check. Search for criminal records including felony,
misdemeanor, sex offender & county offense records.
- Nationwide criminal record search $49.95, or indivdual states for $19.95- Federal
Prisoners - All Federal inmates starting in 1982 - click on the link that
says Inmate Locator when you get there. If at first it doesn't work, try, try
records are all public information - any US citizen can access these records by
simply going to the appropriate county courthouse and viewing the records, unless
they are sealed or the specific county has stipulations for accessing these records.
There are also easy ways via mail
or phone. The following have information online:
Alaska Arizona
| Montana Nebraska Nevada | Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri | New Hampshire New Mexico New Jersey New York North
Carolina North Dakota - Info
- "Employees of the Prisons Division may not disclose inmate information
except as granted in North Dakota Century Code 12-47-36"
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee - State
- Shelby
History - It does not provide public access to the database. Rather, you can
fax the online application requesting that the Bureau perform the search. Information
required includes full name, race, sex and date of birth. The results will be
mailed. Texas Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington West
Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming |
- Not
listed?? - try VINE
- Link
not working?? - send me a message at the bottom of the page, then
try VINE
Most Wanted Felons I've moved
this list - it now has its own page - Wanted
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