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Security Trace - Supply the SSN and find out: 10 year address history, phone
numbers (if available), possible aliases & a death records search
Social Security
An SSN is useful if you are going to use a paid
professional, but isn't much help if you are trying to track down someone
for free, because public databases do not list SSNs. How
to find Social Security Numbers and Dates of Birth: If the person
is deceased, you might be able to locate their Social Security number and/or
exact date of birth in the following places:
- Personal
- Death certificate
- Funeral home records
- Records
held by financial institutions
- Voter registration rolls at county courthouse
- Former employers of the individual
If you have the date of
birth and those sources don't produce the Social Security Number, you may request
a "records search" with the Social Security Administration. To request
this service you must send $27 and provide the following information: full name,
state of birth, and date of birth to: Freedom of Information
Officer 4-H-8 Annex Building 6401 Security Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland
21235 Providing names of parents are also helpful, especially with common
surnames. Be sure also to provide proof of death, as the records of living individuals
are not publicly available. If the person is living, the only legal
sources that are permitted to provide a person's SSN, other than searching documentation
you may have possession of or access to, are local, state and federal agencies,
courts and attorneys.
There are, however, companies that can be found on
the Internet that can provide a person's Social Security Number for a fee...
To verify names/SSNs ( up to 5 for free) - Just call the ENUMERATION VERIFICATION
SERVICE toll-free number for employers only - 800-772-6270 weekdays from
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (They'll ask for your EIN number)
Or use this free verification tool:
you have lost your Social Security number - contact the authorities.
This is the best page
I have found on the SSA site - there doesn't appear to be an online FAQ regarding this.
Professional Services
- Best
People Search - a variety of SSN services, including free verification
- US
Info Search - free online verification of a SSN
- USA Trace - $37.99 gets you a lot of information on the person
- Intelius Background Checks - includes criminal background check, property value, judgments, bankruptcy and more...
- Search
Bug - invalid or Impossible numbers
/ SSN Helper - shareware software, returns approximate age or year born, plus
state of issuance of social security number
- Social
Security Death Index - very up to date, find the details on anyone who has
passed away, with pre-filled application forms for obtaining records.
SSN allocation table The first three digits of SSNs are Area
Numbers, and represent the state in which they were issued in.
001-003 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | 004-007 |
MAINE | 008-009 |
VERMONT | 010-034 |
RHODE ISLAND | 040-049 |
CONNECTICUT | 050-134 |
NEW YORK | 135-158 |
NEW JERSEY | 159-211 |
PENNSYLVANIA | 212-220 |
MARYLAND | 221-222 |
DELAWARE | 223-231 |
VIRGINIA | 232-236 |
WEST VIRGINIA | 232,237-246 |
NORTH CAROLINA | 247-251 |
SOUTH CAROLINA | 252-260 |
GEORGIA | 261-267 |
FLORIDA | 268-302 |
OHIO | 303-317 |
INDIANA | 318-361 |
ILLINOIS | 362-386 |
MICHIGAN | 387-399 |
WISCONSIN | 400-407 |
KENTUCKY | 408-415 |
TENNESSEE | 416-424 |
ALABAMA | 425-428 |
MISSISSIPPI | 429-432 |
ARKANSAS | 433-439 |
LOUISIANA | 440-448 |
OKLAHOMA | 449-467 |
TEXAS | 468-477 |
MINNESOTA | 478-485 |
IOWA | 486-500 |
MISSOURI | 501-502 |
NORTH DAKOTA | 503-504 |
SOUTH DAKOTA | 505-508 |
NEBRASKA | 509-515 |
KANSAS | 516-517 |
MONTANA | 518-519 |
IDAHO | 520 |
WYOMING | 521-524 |
COLORADO | 525 |
NEW MEXICO | 526-527 |
ARIZONA | 528-529 |
UTAH | 530 |
NEVADA | 531-539 |
WASHINGTON | 540-544 |
OREGON | 545-573 |
ALASKA | 575-576 |
HAWAII | 577-579 |
VIRGIN ISLANDS | 580-584 |
NEW MEXICO | 586 |
MISSISSIPPI | 589-595 |
FLORIDA | 596-599 |
PUERTO RICO | 600-601 |
ARIZONA | 602-626 |
CALIFORNIA | 627-645 |
TEXAS | 646-647 |
UTAH | 648-649 |
NEW MEXICO | 700-728 |
More info
on the structure of the numbers |
- According
to the dead Law Guru site :
"Eight states North Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi,
Alabama, West Virginia and Alaska use Social Security numbers as driver's
license numbers, according to the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators.
Fourteen other states give motorists that option." |
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