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Home > Reference
> Dictionaries
Online Dictionaries
Dictionary.com gives definitions
from several different dictionaries on the results page. Thesaurus looks up Roget's
Thesaurus. - Select either dictionary or thesaurus
OneLook OneLook
gets results from hundreds of dictionaries, but requires an extra step to each
definition. Best for serious research or unusual / topic specific words ( medical
terms, foreign language etc.) - HINT: Adding wild cards expands the search. (*
= any number of characters and ? = exactly one character).
For example, "tomo*ow", "tomo??ow"
or "tomor*" will find "tomorrow".
- Includes
41 sports, 16 religious, 54 medical, 57 computer & 61 financial dictionaries!
- Try
their new "reverse
dictionary" - enter a meaning and find the words
Merriam-Webster MW
is an old, reliable American resource... - Click on the
audio symbol to hear how the word is pronounced -
if this doesn't work, try the "Click here to listen with your default audio player."
link in the popup box.
- There'll also be a set
of pronunciation symbols below the search results
Definitions from a single source - but is better looking, smarter and
easier to use than those above
- Free
registration is required
- It is a dictionary and thesaurus
- Home of the best
advanced search I have seen
Rhymes Rhyme
Zone (part of Lycos) - great for poets!
Visual Thesaurus "Through its dynamic interface,
the Plumb Design Visual
Thesaurus alters our relationship with language, creating poetry through
user action, dynamic typography, and design. The experience is rewarding from
both a linguistic and an aesthetic perspective." "The Visual
Thesaurus accesses data from the WordNet
database, a publicly available resource developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory
at Princeton University. This database, first created in 1985 as a dictionary
based on psycholinguistic theories, contains over 50,000 words and 40,000 phrases
collected into more than 70,000 sense meanings."
More Resources - VoyCabulary
- makes the words on any webpage into links so you can look them up in a dictionary,
by simply clicking on the words.
- What
Is? - Definitions for thousands of the most current IT-related words
- WordSpy
Top 100 - lots of newly coined words and phrases - see also Urban
- Phrase Finder
- type in a word and it returns a list of phrases that are related to your word
in some way - not free!
- Quotations
& Proverbs - search many engines at Fagan Finder
- Your
Dictionary - more than 1800 dictionaries, in over 250 languages - the place
to find specialty dictionaries
- Cambridge
Dictionaires Online - search the famous dictionary, or see what others
mostly search for
- Oxford
FAQ - a database of some of the questions sent into the Oxford Word and Language
Service team. You can ask them question yourself, if you want.
- Psuedo
Dictionary - 14,000 made up words
- Strange
& Unusual Dictionaries - covers one letter words, all-consonant and all-vowel
- Devil's Dictionary
- by Ambrose Bierce, 1911
- Grandiloquent
Dictionary - over a thousand of the most obscure and unusual English words
- Symbols
- more than 2,500 Western signs, arranged into 54 groups according to their graphic
- Acronym Finder
- over 3 million acronyms and abbreviations listed / Abbreviations
- 348,000 acronyms & abbreviations
- Spell
Check - just enter some text and get it spell-checked like Word does but online,
with a letter and word count as well
- Oxford
Dictionary CD-ROM - this place has the cheapest copies ($198 last time I looked)