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Home > Engines
& Directories > Google
Google Search
Advanced Google Search Box
Google Works
Default search:
All keywords as if connected by AND. If
all the words occur as a phrase, that page will rank higher. Search
options: Understands Boolean +
- and OR. Cannot be
nested using () Use the * (Asterisk) as a
Wildcard in a Phrase Search, such as: "Lord * *
Flies" "George * Bush" (cannot
be used for part of a word, such as "George Bu*") To search within
a site, use site: ie admission site:www.stanford.edu
To find out who links to a site, use link:www.sitename.com
Title search allintitle:searchenginez
, with the only variation allowed is the minus symbol, i.e. allintitle:searchenginez
-redesigned URL search is the same, with minus symbols allowed:
allinurl:yahoo -shopping File Type
- to search for specific file types, use filetype:pdf
or filetype:txt etc after your keyword(s). Results:
Google ignores capitalization. Any page larger than 101k will be
listed as 101k (Google only indexes the first 100k of any page). Google
indexes Acrobat (pdf), Microsoft Word (doc), Rich Text (rtf),
Text (txt), Excel (xls), Postscript (ps) and PowerPoint (ppt)
Fresh: 3 million sites that Google deems to be important
are indexed on a daily basis - they have today's (or yesterday's) date alongside
them. searchenginewatch.com/ - 24k
- 12 Dec 2001 Cached results:
Google stores a copy of each page, as it was when it was last indexed. This is
extremely useful for when a site is down. For web sites with fast-changing
content, such as news sites, the current contents might be irrelevant. The page
is rated on when it was cached. Extras: Google will respond
with USA phone directory listings when supplied with: - first name
(or first initial), last name, area code
- first name (or first initial),
last name, zip code
- first name (or first initial), last name, city (state
is optional)
- first name (or first initial), last name, state,
- phone
number, including area code
- last name, city, state
- last name,
Google also responds to addresses with links to maps. More
special features... Stock market quotes and related info (via Yahoo)
by typing in stock: and then the companies ticker symbol stocks:IBM Google
can't do everything:
Google ignores capitalization
- which is such a shame for "jaws" and "Jaws" are such different
things. Google does not yet index Flash
content. Google doesn't have the Boolean NEAR syntax, but someone has made
a Google tool that does, it's called the Google
API Proximity Search
Submit your Web URL to Google
Visit Google
or my page of submission forms. Either way, Google pays
more attention to sites that have links from other sites. So ask friends, relatives
and associates to link to your site. Once linked, Google will find your
site. Useful Links
love Google so much that I started working
for them, and I made a website called Google Fan Google
Directory - it sorts Open Directory listings in order of Google relevance
(as opposed to alphabetically) Google
Home Page Google
Help Central Google
Zeitgeist - lists, graphs, and other tidbits of information related to Google
user search behavior. Google
- Stripped - the fastest version of Google, returns just page titles
Google for Palm - reduced
results for reading on your Palm Google
Catalogs - browse mail-order catalogs online - fully indexed (broadband best
for this) Froogle - find products from
online stores Google
Easter Suprise Google
Uncle Sam Google
Bork Bork Bork (Swedish Chef) Google
Hacker Try all
4 Google-servers with one click - (www, www1, www2 and www3) GoogleBot
- the spider that finds the data Google
Guide - the best guide on how to use Google
Spam to Google History
of Google
Google was founded in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page,
a result of three years of research at Stanford University (home of Yahoo
and Excite). At present they have not sold out to the big guns. They must
be waiting for more money, or planning on a public listing. The site has been
available to the public since February 1999. Google reports these user
demographics Male (65%), female (35%) High education (65% have
at least a BA/BS) Professional (73%) High income (average income is
$71,000) Highly technical (71% report high/very high computer skills)
Online experience of 4+ years (58%) Accessing the Internet from work (48%)
Using the web for work purposes (31%) Feb
12, 2001 - Google bought Deja.com, and has made all
it's archived Usenet discussions (700 million
messages) searchable. This is excellent news for searchers - Usenet had previously
removed most of the archives. Full, official history is here |